China Spring Intermediate School
November 17, 2024
Math Fall Benchmark ~ 11/18/2024
KONA ICE ~ 11/18/2024
Thanksgiving Lunch ~ 11/21/2024
Campus Closed ~ 11/22/2024
Thanksgiving Break ~ 11/25/2024 ~ 11/29/2024
Fall Dance ~ 12/5/2024
Campus Closed ~ 12/6/2024
Campus Closed ~ 12/13/2024
Health Education Presentation ~ 12/16/2024
6th Grade Field Trip Baylor Basketball ~ 12/18/2024
Winter Band Concert ~ 12/19/2024
KONA Ice ~ 12/19/2024
Holiday Break Starts ~ 12/20/2024
End of 2nd 9 Weeks ~ 12/19/2024
MONDAY 11/18: Wear brown and orange
TUESDAY 11/19: PJ day
WEDNESDAY 11/20: Mix/Match day (nothing matches)
THURSDAY 11/21: Jersey day (wear your favorite team)
CSI food drive will end November 21st
Please help families in need by bringing any non-perishable items to the school for donation.
The class with the most canned goods will get a popcorn party.
December 5th 6-8 PM for 5th and 6th grade
Admission cost will be $5 and students will pay at the door
No guests allowed
Concessions will be available
Snack items (candy, sodas, water)
No more than 2 Days of ISS/OSS or DAEP placements for the first semester
No more than 9 minor or major referrals for the 2nd 9-weeks
Must have 90% attendance or higher for the year
Must attend school for the entire day the day of the dance (no early pick-ups)
If you would like to volunteer for the dance, you can sign up HERE.
Glass Bottles: Parents please make sure your child is not bringing drinks in glass bottles.
Lost/Found: We have a lot of lost items that need to find their home. Any items not picked up by Thanksgiving break will be donated.
Please DO NOT use the PBIS app to communicate with teachers.
Ways you CAN communicate with your child's teachers:
Remind App (if you do not have this please email your student’s teachers for further assistance)
If you need to contact a teacher, please use their email address. You can find our staff directory HERE.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: These can be in person or by phone.
We are looking to restock our staff treat shelf! We would love donations of canned sodas that we can treat our staff to on Thursdays with popcorn and candy. Our staff loves the tradition of having the cart come to their rooms, and we would love to continue it.
If you drop off and/or pick up your child from school, please make sure that you are using the shoulder. This allows traffic to continue to flow on Flat Rock Rd.
Please be aware of pedestrians in the crosswalk.
11/5- Mr. Dixon (Maintenance)
11/14- Mrs. Darden (Technology)
11/15- Mrs. Keahey (5th Inclusion)
11/19- Mr. Mothersole (Band)
11/20- Mr. Anthony (Behavior)
11/29- Mrs. Chambers (Special Ed.)
11/30- Mrs. Hoiten (6th Science)
DATE | 5TH | 6TH |
Monday 10/28 | 99.12% | 98.28% |
Tuesday 10/29 | 98.73% | 96.18% |
Wednesday 10/30 | 94.69% | 90.46% |
Thursday 10/31 | 94.67% | 93.51% |
Total | 96.80% | 94.61% |
China Spring Intermediate has set a goal to achieve 97% or higher attendance every day. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure your students are here and learning every day!
Our attendance dropped again this week. Some of our absences are due to illnesses. Please make sure you are reminding your kids not to share food or drinks and wash their hands!
Every 2 weeks students with perfect attendance get on the wheel of names and those selected draw a CSI scratch off to win prizes
Every week students earn PBIS points for perfect attendance
5th and 6th Challenge: Which ever grade gets the highest average attendance by 12/18 will get to attend an assembly to pie a staff member in the face.
Every week that a student has perfect attendance, their name will go into a drawing for their grade to see which 13 lucky winners will get to pie our staff members in the face.
Attendance matters! We miss our kids when they are gone and they miss critical instruction with each absence. Please review the ATTENDANCE MATTERS handout.
90% Law ~ The state of Texas requires students to be present 90% of the school year in order to receive credit for their current grade level.
Daily attendance ~ Attendance is taken every day at 9:30AM. Your student must be on campus at this time to be counted present for the day.
When absent ~ Only 4 days total per semester can be excused by a PARENT NOTE (parent signed excuse). For all absences exceeding 4, a doctor's note or other formal documentation is required.
All excuse notes must be turned in to the Front Office within 3 school days of the student’s absence.
Attendance tracking looks at whole and partial day absences. Partial day absences include arriving at school late or leaving early without a medical excuse or one of the four parent notes for the semester.
Attendance Make-ups:
Saturday school opportunities are available for students whose attendance is below 90%. Please reach out to Mrs. Jenkins at if you have questions about your child's attendance.
Homeroom | 8:00 AM | 8:05 AM |
1st Period | 8:08 AM | 9:08 AM |
2nd Period | 9:11 AM | 10:11 AM |
3rd Period | 10:14 AM | 11:14 AM |
4th Period (grade 6) | 11:17 AM | 12:17 PM |
5th Lunch | 11:17 AM | 11:47 AM |
4th Period (grade 5) | 11:50 AM | 12:50 PM |
6th Lunch | 12:20 PM | 12:50 PM |
5th Period | 12:54 PM | 1:54 PM |
6th Period | 1:57 PM | 2:57 PM |
7th Period | 3:00 PM | 4:00 PM |
Reminder: Our last period class is a core class. Please try to schedule appointments on the Fridays students are out or after school to minimize missed instruction as much as possible.
Attendance is tracked every class period.
The latest students can be picked up early is 3:45PM
Students out of dress code will be sent to the office and given the opportunity to change clothes or call home to get more clothes. Please see the China Spring Intermediate Dress Code HERE.
Shorts MUST be fingertip link.
Devices must remain turned off during the school day (from arrival - dismissal) and kept in the student’s backpack.
If a student possesses a smart watch, it should not be used for personal communication throughout the day.
Capturing images is strictly prohibited in restroom areas while at school.
If a student uses their personal device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated. The parent or guardian may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the principal’s office for a fee of $15.
School day duration ~ 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Car rider drop off ~ begins at 7:00AM
Breakfast ~ 7:15 AM - 8:00 AM
Class begins ~ 8:00AM
Tardy bell rings ~ 8:05AM
Early dismissal ~ If you wish to pick your student up early from school you must do so before 3:45PM. A photo ID will be required to check your student out.
Transportation Change ~ If there is a change to your child’s normal mode of transportation in the afternoon, you must notify the front office by 3:15PM to ensure they get dismissed as requested.
There’s lots of illness going around. Please encourage your kids to wash their hands regularly and not to share food or drinks.
This is also lice season, please remind your kids to not share brushes, hats, and/or clothes.
Please have your students bring an extra change of clothes in their backpacks for pre-athletics or emergencies.
Please make sure you are updating contact information on Parent Portal if anything changes.
If you would like to donate clothes to the nurse, here are the items she needs: girls clothes: tights, shorts, and shirts all sizes
Please make sure you are checking the PBIS family app for updates about your child. The app allows parents to see points earned, what points are spent on, and any referral information. If you do not have the app or access code, please email Mrs. Jenkins at
Teachers give minor referrals for behavior that does not meet classroom expectations but yet does not rise to an office referral. The referrals start over every 9 weeks. You can see your student’s minor referrals on the
PBIS app.1st-3rd minor referral: Warning
4th-6th minor referral: Lunch Detention for Each Minor Referral
7th minor referral: After School Detention
8th minor referral: Saturday School
9th minor referral: In School Suspension